Equipment is the key to manufacturing quality screw pumps, RSP invests a lot of money every year to introduce various types of high-end equipment, with vertical machining centers, horizontal machining centers, CNC screw milling machines, CNC boring machines, ion nitriding furnaces, optical curve grinding machines, gear measuring instruments, three- coordinate instruments and other kinds of high precision manufacturing and inspection equipment.
RSP has invested a lot of money in the design and construction of a domestic first-class screw pump testing center to test the flow, pressure, vibration and noise performance of each screw pump sold. With the use of high precision equipment, the company's product quality, production capacity and efficiency have been significantly increased.
Our intelligent screw pump comprehensive test center has been assessed by the expert group of the National Pump and Valve Quality Testing Center and has been awarded the "Certificate of Conformity for the Assessment of the Test Equipment" and the accuracy of the test equipment has reached the highest accuracy class 1.